About me

I’m Jasinthan working at Disaster Management and holds a Bachelors of Arts degree in Social Science. I have eagerly working for society to become the best and only Professional Social service Consultant. I have trained on child care into Camp management activities in emergency response situations (sphere standards) conduct by international organizations such as UNDP-DRM, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOCHA and Oxfam.

I write how-to guides our kids from different perspectives. I have developed several kids’ guides. This is one of my website for sharing my thoughts, advice, and tips to all parents and especially your lovely kids. I involving and interests in writing the blog for years. I like to write the blog in my free time, it is my hobby too. Most of the writing about kids and social news. Also, writing tips and tricks in the guidance and care of our kids with my experience and difficulties. The main purpose of this website is sharing knowledge and make the best hours for our kids.

About “Kidhours”
Kidhours launched for “the best intellectual development guidelines for children”. The purpose of this site is to help you take maximum advantage of guiding your kids in the correct way and uplift their education standard with the help from Kidhours. It has consist of kid’s education, kid’s entertainment, kid’s thoughts, kid’s care and parenting, kid’s help. So that you spend more time doing things you really love.

Thank you.



Mobile : +94716655420

Email: jasinthankid@gmail.com